Kouncil - permissions

The most important change in the 1.6 version of Kouncil is the configuration of permissions, which allows precise control of user access to particular functions. In addition, in an effort to continuously improve the application’s interface, we have introduced several minor changes to make the system easier to work with.
Thanks to a new function for granting permissions, a logged-in user has access to all Kouncil’s functions defined for their assigned role.
In the 1.6 Kouncil version, users are assigned to respective roles that determine their access to functions:
- users with administrative roles gain access to broker and consumer group screens,
- users with the editor role can view topic screens, track messages, and send messages to selected topics,
- users with read-only permission can view messages on the topic screens.
The flexible permission structure enables Kouncil’s functionality to be effectively adapted to the needs and responsibilities of users in different positions.
The screens below are sample views for particular user groups.
Screen for users with administrator’s permissions in the default configuration
Screen for users with editor’s permissions in the default configuration
Screen for users with read-only permissions in the default configuration
If a user tries to access a page for which they do not have permissions, a screen with access denial will be displayed.
Screen notifying users of the lack of permission and refusal of access to the function
Configuring permissions involves assigning roles from the selected user authentication method to roles in Kouncil.
As a result, you can grant users access to role-specific functions.
If you need to know more about the authentication methods used in Kouncil, read the article on the changes introduced in the previous release.
If you want to check out a sample configuration, refer to our documentation, section Authorization.
To explore the full range of Kouncil’s capabilities, download the application from our GitHub.
We also encourage you to test and provide feedback via the contact form or on our GitHub.
Translation by Justyna Wiatrzyk-Guzik